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Breakfast & Benchmarks: An Inside Look at Government Performance

Wed. Jan 17, 2024
8:30 — 10:00 AM CST

Keller Center, 4009


The federal government employs more than 2.1 million civilians who live and work in every state. These civil servants, often political targets to right-leaning politicians, span every government agency–from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to the Peace Corps. Bureaucrats as a whole get a bad rap, usually blamed for ineffective government implementation. GOP hopefuls including former President Trump have vowed to slash federal agencies, while Vivek Ramaswamy is vowing to reduce the federal workforce by up to 75%. But what would be the impacts of such a massive cut? Is our current administrative state functional, and if not, how can we begin to change it? Discuss these questions, career advice, and more at Breakfast and Benchmarks. Breakfast provided.